
This is from the Bogus Basin website. It snowed last night. My house is at about 2,732' and the summit at Bogus is at 7,582'. The clouds were so low I didn't see the snow in the foothills when I was out and about today. I spent about 3 hours in the garage soldering LED spotlights this evening before my hands got too cold to handle the iron. It has been raining a lot in town, so I hope it passes before the Big Night. 


  1. Damn! We are still in the 90s girl - send some of that stuff you don't want down my way, will ya??? Too cold to hold the soldering iron? Awesome!! :D

  2. That is amazing. Our temp drop is pretty early this year as well, but nothing like that of course.

  3. yep, not ready for this. don't like it. still in denial about the season ending.

  4. I quite like the snow - but in apt months. This is still a bit too early! I don't envy poor Dawn, though!


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