Late Spring

 The view from the patio is pretty nice right now. One day we'll have proper patio furniture.
 This year I grew 10 different tomatoes. This is Indigo Rose a "blue" tomato. The plant itself is pretty blue and you can see where the sun hits the skin it also turns blue.
 All the plants are flowering now.
The alliums are kaput and I'll cut them down this weekend. The bicycle planter is starting to take off with the summer planting.


  1. I can see a little bit of blue in those tomatoes. That's cool that you're trying so many different kinds. I remember your exotic tomato garden from past pictures. I saw some seeds for bright purple tomatoes on ebay recently and wondered what those tomatoes taste like. They looked like something between a tomato and a grape.

    Your yard is looking great. I love that bicycle display!

  2. The sky in that first pic is gorgeous. You do have a great view. Nice tomatoes. I've seen pics where artsy types spray paint the dried up alliums and leave them in place. Never tried it.

  3. Hi there! Just discovered you! Love your shot of the baskets and bike with the the flowers in the foreground. I'm growing Indigo Rose this year too! Can't wait to see what it is like...


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