Food and The Dilemma of Seed Starting

Last night was the first seed summit of the season. We have saved seeds, shared seeds, and new seeds to purchase. I don't think we accomplished a whole lot because Kyle and I might not even be living here during this garden season (we are very slowly thinking of house shopping).
This was Superbowl Sunday's dinner. A completely non-typical American meal (except for the corn) with a no meat entree of delicious pepper-zucchini corn muffins, a sauce of roasted red peer/dun-dried tomato sauce with spices and garlic pan cooked mushrooms.
 These are the complete opposite. Kyle's Scotch eggs.
Soft boiled eggs wrapped in breakfast sausage and a breaded crust with egg wash deep fried in oil.


  1. oh, seed season is difficult. i tend to start like 8 million tomato plants then remember that i live damn near canada. ha!

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