April Re-Cap

I bought a Nook Color and have been trying to hack it, resulting in a lot of lost time. We have been moving along on the gardens and the peas, radishes, lettuce, green onions, beets, and kale are coming up.  Things have gotten a bit out of control indoors with all the starts.

This is light rig #2 with the "big plants"
Last weekend I decided to bite the bullet and put two already flowering Black Krims out in the greenhouse fortified with homemade 2 liter bottle wall of waters, or solar insulators.  When I got home tonight it was 46 degrees outside and 60 in the greenhouse. It will drop to 31 tonight. I hope it will stay over 45 in there.  

We pulled off the greenhouse to plant these monsters. I cut off the lower branches and planted them as deep as possible.
Here they are all tucked away, the whole thing is closed up now to keep warm.

And now, for something completely different:
Here is the crazy-ass duck Kyle and I spotted "surfing" at the Barber Park dam. This little guy either went over and was trying to stay afloat or he was simply the bad-ass I thought he was.  He made it out of the rapid.

Swans at Veteran's Memorial Park? We apparently have those.

Back to gardening. The lipstick peppers have the hardiest roots out of the bunch. Yes I have weird toes.  
This weekend we spent a lot of time converting soda bottles into plant pots. I really like that you can see the roots and they are easy to handle with the slender "waists" the containers have. The December rotary tool present is really handy.  

I never saw rhubarb bolt before I tried to grow my own. This is the third year with the rhubarb and the second time it bolted. It looks like pink broccoli. I pulled each stalk out at the base and have the alien buds in a mason jar to see what they do. I'm so glad I got a photo this year.   


  1. those bolting rhubarbs are so beautiful! i'm really interested to see what the flowers look like, i hope they open up inside. and i wonder what they taste like...

  2. Very pretty rhubarb! We planted some last year so it will be interesting to watch.


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