Haunt Video 2017

I hope the host doesn't pull this too quick, But I finally got video footage of Thriller for the first time in years. The program I use is freeware (Vixenlights) plus an Arduino and lots of feet of wire from each prop and spotlight that I hook up to my PC that I move to the Living room window for a week for the show (apparently my laptop is incompatible and my tablet is too new). So for the last two years the show has run buggy. During that time I ran nice ambient spooky sounds and a random light show, just random channels dimming on and off (like I originally wanted, nothing more). 
Guess what? I figured out the problem and had the whole 7 song synchronized to music thing running this year. When you run for 4 nights that is a bit obnoxious-yet very satisfying. People love the light show with the music. For the first time we has folks lining the streets each night the weekend before waiting for the "light show". Folks were dancing in the street Friday and Saturday night with their kids.

To be honest it drove me a bit nuts, but to see the monstrosity working was so satisfying. My promise for next year is many more songs and have more ambient track in-between. My husband and I were a little relieved to shut it down Halloween night. The quiet was priceless. I ran the show on random with ambient music for my neighbor across the street who works late. He does theater lighting and really enjoys watching it after everyone is home and the streets are quiet. I may make a more creative video later, but for now, in all it's bombastic glory, I give you Goneferal's Dead End Haunt: Thriller~


  1. Gosh that's a lot of fun - I can see why they were partying in the streets!

  2. Hang on...I'm in Boise too! I grew up trick-or-treating on Harrison Blvd (and Warm Springs)! So excited to have found your blog through Pumpkinrot.com.
    If you ever have any interest in meeting up to discuss Halloween shenanigans, my email is Thenecronomnomo@gmail.com


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